Master of Science in Computer Science (Online)
Georgia Institute of Technology
Anticipated Graduation: December 2026
Specialization: Machine Learning
Official Program Link: Online Master of Science in Computer Science
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
Anticipated Graduation: December 2024
Overall GPA: 3.55, 3.65 in Computer Science
Feel free to review my unofficial transcript linked below!
Calculus Series
Introduction to Linear Algebra
Introductory Physics
Foundations in C Programming and UNIX; Memory allocation, file and directory concepts
Problem solving with algorithms, and their realization as computer programs using a structured, general-purpose programming language; data types, operators, expressions, assignment, input and output, selection and repetition control structures
Introduction to fundamental control and data structures in computer science such as algorithms and complexity; recursive algorithms; program correctness using the predicate calculus; reasoning about algorithms using mathematical induction; divide and conquer algorithms; recurrence relations; set properties and their computation; and computing with relations.
Rigorous introduction to fundamental object-oriented concepts and techniques of computer programming using an object-oriented language. Introduction to data abstraction; design of abstract data types. Introduction to recursion; programming with generic data types; inheritance; polymorphism; and exception handlers.
Basic control structures (sequence, selection, repetition) and all core data types using objects.
Design and implementation of fundamental abstract data types of computer science (such as stacks, queues, trees, lists, hashing, and graphs), using an object-oriented language. Programming requirements include the implementation of abstract data types using arrays and dynamic links; recursion; sorting and searching; hashing; and string processing. Introduction to algorithm analysis.
Deployment and maintenance of modern computer systems in an operational environment.
E-mail, FTP, Telnet, Gopher, Archie, Newsgroups, WWW, HTML, CGI and PHP scripting, and how to create an active web site. Laboratory exercises required.
Object-oriented programming, classes, constructors, flow control statements, data types, methods, inheritance, data hiding, abstraction, exceptions, file I/O, Java GUI, and Java packages.
Introduction to operating system concepts such as process management, memory management, file systems, and I/O systems.
Study of formal languages, automata theory, computability, and complexity.
Topics include digital logic and digital systems; machine-level representation of data and programs; assembly-level machine organization and programming; register-level description of computer execution and the functional organization of a computer; role and function of programming languages, libraries, and operating systems; performance evaluation; systems programming.
Database concepts, ER modeling, schemas and constraints, SQL and relational algebra, web-based database applications, triggers and views, physical organization and indexing, query processing, query optimization, NoSQL databases.
Formal techniques to support design and analysis of algorithms: underlying mathematical theory and practical considerations of efficiency.
Software life cycle; software requirement analysis; software system design; software implementation and testing; software maintenance; team programming; ethics and programmers.
Learn the responsibilities of computer professionals and how to make appropriate decisions when faced with legal and ethical issues in computing.
Culminating project integrating knowledge and skills from the undergraduate program.
Study of security and privacy issues in machine learning, including adversarial attacks and defenses.
Introduction to computer vision, including image processing, feature detection, object recognition, and deep learning techniques.